Bladder Stones

Our 3.5 year old unaltered EBT recently developed bladder stones. We were feeding Orijen kibble mixed with Primal raw.. Vet recommend a urinary diet low in protein. The three brands recommended are full of by product. Ripper is eating the new food, and is healing well. Staples out next week. Waiting for lab results that determines type of stones. (struvite vs calcium).
I’m concerned about recurrent stones, and his new diet. Any suggestions? I would appreciate any feedback. My first post here, but I have learned so much on this website, thanks everyone! Our little guy (and his mixed breed sister) are part of the family! I’m sure everyone here feels the same way!!
I’m concerned about recurrent stones, and his new diet. Any suggestions? I would appreciate any feedback. My first post here, but I have learned so much on this website, thanks everyone! Our little guy (and his mixed breed sister) are part of the family! I’m sure everyone here feels the same way!!

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