Growing up so fast!

I can't believe Billie will be 18 months on October 1st! She brings so much love, happiness and laughs on a daily! Wanted to share some photos

4032 x 3024 - 4M

4032 x 2801 - 3M

4032 x 3024 - 5M

3024 x 4032 - 6M

2314 x 2720 - 1M
Love love love the couch pic, so cheeky
She’s looking pampered as you always do
Keep up the amazing work Tina????????????
Even after a bath, she is not that clean.
Billie looks fantastic. Hope all the training is going well.
Billie is responding well to her training and has gotten a lot better! She's learning to control her behavior and her reaction to other aggressive dogs has gotten better. Not perfect, but much better
How is McKenzie?
This is from our walk this morning
Those footsies are spotless coz of those booties lol
I’m now walking bare footed along with my dogs and unfortunately my partner cannot distinguish the dogs rough feet to mine
We spent a lot of time in the water today as it was very warm here. Lots of people to weave through but my boys are heavily focussed on jumping for their sticks....they look like they’re training for a circus!
Glad to hear you and the boys are good and you guys are enjoying the beach
McKenzie is doing fantastic. Lots of energy to burn.
Strong willed and mild tempered. The strong will is what gets her in trouble. But she is too damned cute! So it's hard to stay made for long.
You found the key to success with an EBT. Consistency! It goes a long way. Looks like you got a firm grip on Billie. She looks content and happy. Be proud of yourself. Billie has trained you well.
It's great to hear McKenzie is doing well, she sounds like a sweet soul
I gather you can’t walk her whilst in heat? I don’t know what it’s like for girls but it would drive the boys nuts lol
Moose is still doing great no seizures but Memphis still has skin issues allergy that are progressing.....frustrating as I cannot pinpoint the culprit except for over indulgence in grass consumption. I may have to halt his appetite to this snd keep an eye out. He’s otherwise happy as on our walkies.
Wild windy cooler days but they don’t mind the rain as long as they have a stick????
Here are some snoozy pics
We haven't been walking as much since she started her heat cycle and I take her out during "off" times- to minimize encounters with male dogs and I keep her close to me
Beautiful smoosh times though enjoy xx
I'm sure the boys give you tons of cuddles and hugs
As soon as they told me quick divert but we travelled the same direction but my magic wand kept my boys in toe
I'm super careful with Billie when she's on her heat cycle. I don't want my baby having babies, lol. Im planning to get her spayed before the end of the year, but I'm super uneasy and nervous about the whole thing.
I have till 2yo for Moose but I can join a dog association and therefore avoid ‘fixing’ him unless I make the decision if ever it needs to be done not when the council tells me lol
Enjoy your baby girl