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Weird bumps

Hi everyone! So our little girl has started getting these strange bumps on her lips and jowls which I was like "okay its puppy acne or something" well now its spread to her tongue. And it almost looks like warts. They're super soft and they dont appear to be causing her any type of discomfort but you can imagine its freaking me out!!! I'll post pics when I get home!


  • The in the mouth one is hard to see (hard to hold her mouth and take the pic lol) but they are identical and our vet cant see us until february sometime (annoyed to the max).
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  • Almost exactly the same problem, jus haven’t ran through as many new treatments yet but Chico is definitely on the same path with the exact same skin irritations on face n body and in addition Chico’s poor feet are like one giant blister each. Been through a couple vets already, they say white dogs are prone to skin problems like this but they give pills or a shot n temporarily clear it up and then it comes back worse jus like u said. Cyto shot in addition to some allergy pill that starts with an A almost killed him when they gave him all at same time, then staggering was working but not good enough and eventually the irritation won out. It’s getting a lot worse again n it is again having a huge impact on his overall health. Please let us know if u make any progress and we will report back here with same. I’m going to see if I can find some pics to show at least some of his.....u can see them a little on his back and head, this is an extremely light outbreak pictured...the other pic is when he was receiving one of his first few treatments. We didn’t adopt Chico until he was 6 yrs old n prior owner said rash had jus then showed up for first time, unlikely but always wanted a bull terrier so wasn’t looking for reasons to be skeptical, wouldn’t have mattered anyway he is a great dog, wish more than anything there was something I could do to alleviate his pain n rashes again!
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  • So hers arent all over, Moscow had bumps but after a diet chanh3 his cleared up! Our breeder said that sirens look like papillomas, they can be surgically removed but she said her dogs usually they go away. I hope you find relief too!
  • Ariana1018Ariana1018 Las Vegas, NV
    My girl had this as well, it spread to the inside of her lips and started growing and looked more like a sea anemone or weird cauliflower shape. I thought it was skin tags or something but I took her to the vet and he said it’s oral papilloma. A virus she got probably from the dog park. They do heal on their own over time but my vet decided to crush them for her and they were all taken care of! Btw it can’t be spread to humans
  • Oh thank you so much for telling me!!! Our vet is super annoying right now because of covid and the waitlist is OBNOXIOUS. I won't stress as hard now!
  • They've all fallen off as of today!
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