What's the trick?
Middletown, PA
I have been looking for an EBT to rescue. The funny thing is, I hear constantly " Adopt one. They need homes and loved ". My experience has been far from fun or funny. Not one rescue even gives my application a read through. I am honest and let them know I have an EBT and she is my second time owning one. My living conditions give plenty of room for them to explore and run. I am active with them and understand the breed pretty well.
What's the trick to being able to rescue a friend for my girl? Aside from just giving up on the thought, I wanted to ask if anyone has any suggestions on what to try when filing out applications. I think adopting an EBT may be harder than finding a job. Which thankfully I do not have to do.
Call or Chat with Bull Terrier Rescue of the Sunshine State. They are not a shelter but foster rescue organization. They have lots of bullies for adoption. https://www.facebook.com/bullterrierrescueofthesunshinestate/
This link might be helpful too:
Thank you, Brooklyn.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
I filled out an application and wrote a small comment to explain a little about us as a family. I do understand you probably have a million apps. Just wanted you to know I am in there.
Thanks, Bill