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Heat Cycle Info

Dear All!

We recently adopted Luna, she is a 2 years 8 month old white miniature bull terrier. She is really amazing and we're quickly falling in love with her.
This is the first time my husband or I have female dogs and are therefore really inexperienced with heat cycles, according to the previous owner her heat cycle should come around june/july.

I found some stains in her bed that look like blood, but nothing else on the floor. She's been with us only two weeks, I can't really tell if her character has changed because we're still getting to know each other. So I don't know whether she is already in her period or not.

How do know when your bullies have their cycle? Any physical signs that I could look for?

Thanks so much in advance,
Nerea & Tulio

P.S.: We're planning to sterilize her later this year.
3024 x 4032 - 3M


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