Bull Terrier Companion
We have a male bull terrier puppy and would love to get a companion for it but not sure what breed would be the best.
Was thinking about a female Jack Russel, but after reading alot about it, it seems that that would not be a good match as they are both terriers and are very much "prey driven"
Any advise?
Was thinking about a female Jack Russel, but after reading alot about it, it seems that that would not be a good match as they are both terriers and are very much "prey driven"
Any advise?
Your gonna pull your hair out, but it will be worth it.
Exact oposites and completely inseparable.
<img src="http://www.bulliesofnc.com/BTforum/uploads/Uploader/85/00e7e02a4ceca081045152671c74d5.jpg" />
For play/ friends he seems to prefer small snarky females of the terrier breeds.His other dog friend is a tiny Jagdterrier about the same age as him and she is ferocious lol ( very feisty independent small hunting terrier breed).
I agree though you really need to let him pick his own friends- another female EBT would also be great- they do tend to keep each other busy and not all dogs enjoy EBT play style.