My 3yr old bull terrier Milo's, top K9's seems to be broken off at the tip.
South Africa
Vet advised us to bring him in, to remove them. He loves playing with his Tyre, could it have caused such damage? I would prefer to save the tooth. He seems to be in no pain or discomfort. Any advise?
4160 x 3120 - 4M
4160 x 3120 - 5M
I'm at loss as to why your Vet would recommend removing the canines if they are posing no harm or health risk. Possibly your Vet is looking forward to an expensive procedure which may not be warranted. Is your dog in pain or discomfort? Are the top and lower canines touching each other? Is he having difficulties eating?
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
A dog's canines can also look like that when the bite is not 100% correct. Nature often finds a way.
In both cases, as long as there is no form of inhibition, discomfort or pain involved and the tooth is not cracked (which could allow bacteria and cavities and eventually damage in), I don't see any reason to put the dog under the stress and risk of anesthesia.
That for one would be the premise to perform such surgical procedure on the tooth. Why risk that provided the tooth indeed does not cause any problems?
And removing it? Why?
Removal could likely cause some form of inhibition in the first place. Because just as in humans missing teeth can cause the bite to not function properly.
Is that really the better choice? For the wallet of a vet probably, but for the dog?