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Help! My ebt puppy has an ear infection!

My 9 month old bully puppy, Jewel, suddenly got an an ear infection yesterday. The ear in question is significantly dirtier than her other ear when I clean them. I try to clean her ears at least once a week so they don't have dirt build up but when I went to clean her ears yesterday I noticed that she had lots of yellow wax as well as scabs in the ear. I looked up home remedies for ear infections and I am trying a mixture of coconut oil and garlic but the ear has gotten more sensitive and it is very hard to coat the ear in the mixture without accidentally hurting her. This is my first bull terrier and second dog that I have owned. I am not really sure what causes ear infections in dogs because my American Bulldog, Bella, has never gotten one. If someone could please get back to me with suggestions in what could have caused it asap that would be great.


  • edited August 2018
    I am not really enjoying to give this advice because I usually hate it when people go in a forum and seek to hear about the experience of others and then the only thing they get from others is "use the forum search" OR "see a vet".

    Sadly, this IS definitely a vet issue. At least as I see it.
    And I'd really suggest to go soon. If the dog shows signs of pain I assume it must be bad because EBTs are known for their usually high pain tolerance.

    Ear infection can affect hearing long-term if left untreated. I just would not take the risk and test and try home remedies. To me this sounds like it needs an expert evaluation and antibiotics rather soon than later.

    Some dogs are more prone to ear infections while others never have one. This does not say anything about anything. A dog with a weaker immune system could benefit from supplements to help such ailments heal faster. But that's not medicine. And breeds with floppy ears may be more prone than those with erect ears. But to my knowledge there is no general rule on why one dog in particular gets ear infections more often than others.
    A factor that can play a role are mites.
    But these are all topics to be discussed best with your - sorry! VET.

    Good luck and all the best wishes for the healing of your dog!
  • As the owner of 3 dogs 2 of which have reoccurring ear infections Take your dog to the Vet . F
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