Housetraining/Crate Help

Hey guys! I need a little advice to help my pup. She's 10-13 weeks now (not exact on age) and has the general idea of her potty training down, but we still are struggling when it comes to keeping her in the crate. So first, here's our weekday schedule:
06:15AM wake up, let her outside, feed her breakfast and a SMALL amount of water. She gets to play while i get ready for work.
07:15AM let her outside again, put her in the kennel for the first half of the day.
11:15AM come home for lunch, let her outside. She gets to play until i have to leave again. NO FOOD OR WATER.
11:45AM back in the kennel for second half of day
4:45PM come home for the day. She gets dinner and a big bowl of water.
7:15PM no more water for the night
11:15PM bedtime. She sleeps in the kennel the first half of the night
03:15AM i wake up to let her outside. then immediately to the bedroom to sleep with me the rest of the night.
She always pees when i let her out. we don't come inside until she does. She doesn't have accidents through the night or the first half of the day when i'm at work, but EVERY SINGLE DAY she pees in the kennel the second half (after lunch) when i'm at work. i don't understand why. She doesn't get water or food on lunch, i took out everything soft except a single toy for her in the kennel and throughout the rest of the day she has numerous potty breaks and pees. Any advice? is this something i might just have to wait out due to her age?
Sidenote: She's taken to her kennel very well, which i'm very grateful about. She'll go in with no issue and lay down. She won't cry and usually falls asleep within a few minutes.
06:15AM wake up, let her outside, feed her breakfast and a SMALL amount of water. She gets to play while i get ready for work.
07:15AM let her outside again, put her in the kennel for the first half of the day.
11:15AM come home for lunch, let her outside. She gets to play until i have to leave again. NO FOOD OR WATER.
11:45AM back in the kennel for second half of day
4:45PM come home for the day. She gets dinner and a big bowl of water.
7:15PM no more water for the night
11:15PM bedtime. She sleeps in the kennel the first half of the night
03:15AM i wake up to let her outside. then immediately to the bedroom to sleep with me the rest of the night.
She always pees when i let her out. we don't come inside until she does. She doesn't have accidents through the night or the first half of the day when i'm at work, but EVERY SINGLE DAY she pees in the kennel the second half (after lunch) when i'm at work. i don't understand why. She doesn't get water or food on lunch, i took out everything soft except a single toy for her in the kennel and throughout the rest of the day she has numerous potty breaks and pees. Any advice? is this something i might just have to wait out due to her age?
Sidenote: She's taken to her kennel very well, which i'm very grateful about. She'll go in with no issue and lay down. She won't cry and usually falls asleep within a few minutes.

730 x 974 - 304K
Maybe you get the chance to make some other arrangements to provide your dog with less crate time, a family member walking it when you are out for work or a sitter, a neighbor with a good sense for dogs and enough time ... you'll have to figure this one out on your own.
The second part of the day, 5 hours in the crate at a time if I am counting right, may just be too long for your baby dog to "hold it". Actually I am amazed that there are not more accidents than that happening. Because usually puppies need "to go" a felt million times a day for quite a while.
And that has not only to do with the consumption of water.
They just need to go more often. It will balance once they grow.
When Vinnie was little we used to attach his crate to the bathroom( the crate did not fit bathroom doorway) so it was kind of blocking the exit but he was able to go inside to rest. He used wee pad laid on the bathroom floor when he needed it but stopped on his own when got older and was waiting for us to take him out instead.
Wee pads are just a help to take some pressure from you and your pup but it is not a permanent solution. You still will need to take some time off to house train your dog. It took us 1 week to fully do ours. 10- 13 weeks pup is still too little to house train if you are away for 4 hours or longer. Two months old puppy can hold his bladder for up to 3 hours. Time increases an hour per month of age. I think you can give her another month
I don't remember house training to be this hard but I know every puppy is different.