Swollen back paw with pustules & not pooping.
Hi bully pawrents! I'm hoping to get some advice, Royce's back paw is swollen and has pustules - he won't stop biting it, making it worse.
We have gone to the vet and was given oral meds called Cefaseptin and paw shampoo (10 days), it's been day 5 and his back paw is not getting any better . I also got him a cone but he managed to get out of it and chewed it up! So every time he's in his crate while i'm at work, i'm pretty sure he chews at his foot. I really want his paw to get better so he can run freely and be himself again.
Another thing is, he stopped pooping at his regular spot. He will only poop at the dog park! We haven't gone to the dog park for the past 2 days because i don't want him running so much... so, he hasn't pooped for 2 days! I'm not sure if it has anything to do with his back paw hurting? Maybe it hurts him to do the poop position? (but why would he poop at the dog park?) He's a really smart dog so I also think he wants me to take him to the dog park to poop? So many questions.
His appetite is good, drinking water fine, tail wagging. Sorry this post is kind of all over the place. I also attached a photo of his back paw.
Does any one have home remedies, recommendations, advice, anything will help!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
We have gone to the vet and was given oral meds called Cefaseptin and paw shampoo (10 days), it's been day 5 and his back paw is not getting any better . I also got him a cone but he managed to get out of it and chewed it up! So every time he's in his crate while i'm at work, i'm pretty sure he chews at his foot. I really want his paw to get better so he can run freely and be himself again.
Another thing is, he stopped pooping at his regular spot. He will only poop at the dog park! We haven't gone to the dog park for the past 2 days because i don't want him running so much... so, he hasn't pooped for 2 days! I'm not sure if it has anything to do with his back paw hurting? Maybe it hurts him to do the poop position? (but why would he poop at the dog park?) He's a really smart dog so I also think he wants me to take him to the dog park to poop? So many questions.
His appetite is good, drinking water fine, tail wagging. Sorry this post is kind of all over the place. I also attached a photo of his back paw.
Does any one have home remedies, recommendations, advice, anything will help!

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

4032 x 3024 - 2M
I would invest in a better cone, wrap the foot, and see if someone can watch over him while you're working. Bull Terriers normally heal up pretty quick unless they have a bad condition.
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"