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Signs of mange?

Hello all (:

I have started noticing a couple of spots on my dogs neck that seem to be scaly and dry looking.

When I went to pick at them gently with my fingers a piece of hairs fell out with a bit of the scaly stuff attached to them.

My dog didn’t mind or notice I was touching that area, which is about the size of a dime or less.

I went searching for some home remedies and came across this site which has a list of some natural remedies for mange:

Let me know what any of you think (:

Thank you!<img src="" /><img src="" />
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  • Could be mange my Chico showed slight signs of hair loss it started by his eye and moved the side of his face then his Chest and awful around his face I waited longer than I should have to take him to the vet but I've never dealt with mange before so I didn't know that's what it was. I tried a home remedy and it didnt work on Chico had a skin scrape and then had to get antibiotics and itch relief medicine and a flea and tick pill that is shown to help with hair growth and that did the trick within a month the pic of him sprawled out on the rug is now beautiful as ever ????
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