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Puppy biting

Help! My 14 week old male puppy plays very rough biting & lunging & drawing blood ???? We've tried ....yelping...firm NO....pinning down...smacking on rump all he does is come back at you for more which worries me Nothing seems to be working I am currently trying ignoring & walking away & turning my back on him but he nips my ankles from behind .He seems to be trying to be the boss. On the plus side he's not being aggressive with it but he's a big boy already and I feel like I can't control him which worries me as well. I understand he's still very young but I'm more worried that I'm doing the wrong things and making him worse ????


  • Welcome to the world of puppies and bull terriers mine is 1 year old now and she still is
    nippy ,mostly she thinks its a form of play .I find the best although sometimes hardest way to deal with this is to remain as calm as I can and tell her to leave it . Mine went through several months of dog school so this works at times .Another thing that works well at calming her down is I put her in a sit and count the more hyper she is the longer the count as I get to the end the count slows down and my dog calms down then she gets a treat. It is an ongoing thing ... good luck
  • This is pretty typical of bull terriers in my opinion. They are very stubborn and they aspire to be the boss! Mine didn't necessarily have any real issues with nipping and biting and playing too rough, but he was a troublemaker in his own ways. My suggestion would be continuing to pin the dog when unwanted behavior is exhibited. Consistency is key here and changes are not going to happen over night. Keep pinning the dog over and over and he will catch on and find out real quick that he's not the one in the drivers seat.
  • 14 weeks is still so young, you will probably be working on this for a while. Our pup bit and nipped at me for the first 3 weeks we got her (she was about 6months at the time). She would constantly follow me around and try to tackle my legs, bite my thighs as I walked away, whatever she could reach. I found the best things that made a huge difference were staying calm even when frustrated, being firm in how I responded to her, and being consistent. Every time she nipped she would go in her crate for 5 min. Every time. She quickly caught on that that behavior would cause a separation from me and it got a lot better very fast. Not perfect but much better. Now at 1 year 4 months she only nips when she is way over excited and she is definitely aware of the power of her nips, more like mouthing now. She does like to try and nip at my husband when he hugs me so we are working on that. Good luck! Consistency and patience will get you where you want to go :)
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