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Nectarine stone

Nala swallowed a nectarine stone without chewing which I'm aware can be dangerous and cause obstructions as well as containing a small amount of cyanide. Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing? Any advice? She is 18 weeks old and around 10kg. She seems her usual self but hasn't pooped yet after 3 hours. Thanks in advance


  • This is not something I would worry about. No where near the amount of cyanide to cause problems, and the stone itself should pass through.
  • Thanks jbird. Googling things can lead to more anxiety than it should. It's been over 24 hours and she's as right as rain and is still pooping and eating normally. I'll still monitor for any changes in behaviour etc
  • Maybe worth some advice from the vet I know a lady who lost a cocker spaniel due to eating a nectarine stone which it found while out walking I'm sure that a bull terrier is more capable of processing it through its system than a cocker but worth a chat with a proffessional. Good luck
  • I could write a book on all the stuff Mackenzie has eaten including an apricot pit . Lucky for us she has passed it all .It's the reason the only toys she get now are the flirt pole and a couple kongs everything else she ate or will eat
  • It's been nearly 5 days and no obvious signs of obstruction or change in behaviour etc but it hasn't passed so not sure what's happened to it. it's almost as if it's been digested :-?
  • My dog ate a corn cob with out our knowledge.... boyfriend left his dish on edge of table so DeX helped him self.... was a mystery why he had this strange rectangle vomit in middle of night, Months after he had eaten it.

    2 months and an emergency situation, 3 vet clinics, no idea what is wrong nothing shows up on xray, ultrasound, ct scan. They gave fluids, painkillers, nausea meds. Was able to bottle feed puppy formula later that night, next day he poops out a whole corn cob.

    He didn't even chew it.

    We have a peach tree he regularly browses as well, pits have ot been a problem for him but I try to keep him from eating too many of them.
  • BrooklynBrooklyn New York
    Just monitor her closely for 72 hours. She might pass it or throw it up. May be she already did, u did not see it. Usually on third day Vinnie throws up anything he could not pass.
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