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Happy 1st birthday Sassafras!

My Sweet Sassafras is 1 yr today!!! We got her at 6 months and she was never socialized, hardly handled, and scared of absolutely everything! With a lot of training and love she has come so far! She is my shadow and seems to be very happy here and we just love and adore her so much! She is crazy and sweet and moves like a bull in a China shop ;-) wouldn't have her any other way! Can't wait to grow with this pup!
1728 x 3072 - 1M
1728 x 3072 - 2M


  • Such a cutie and what a great turnaround for Her! Love the marking on her face :D
  • Congratulations to you both! I have done rescue in the past and it's definitely not for the faint of heart :) it takes a very special person... So many people just give up or they are just flaky to begin with. Sounds like all your hard work is paying off big time with lots of Bully love :x
    Love the pics thanks for sharing!
  • @willjfgirl thanks for the kind words! I have learned so much from the people on this board.
    Sad thing is she wasn't a rescue. We got her from a breeder. He did tell us his wife had been sick the past year and he didn't have the time he used too, but questionable practices for sure. She was the last pup to go from his last litter and he said he was done breeding...we'll see.
    Lucky for us we have her now :)
  • She is beautiful

    Happy b day
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