How to react when your dog growls or snaps at you?

I found a lot of information about growling/snapping dogs and their reasons to do so, and learned that I can not punish the dog for growling or snapping, even verbal correction is not ok. I understand why. But I can not find any information on how to react when your dog just growled or snapped. Say nothing and walk away? If the dog is trying to establish her alpha status, she will take it as her win and will do it again in similar situation. How to show your dog it is not the appropriate behavior without physically/verbally correcting her??
I don't understand where people get this terrible information
I've raised large powerful aggressive dogs my whole life and I WOULD NEVER LET ONE OF DOGS DISPLAY THAT KIND OF ACTION TOO ME
go get some professional obedience training before you have issues
It never happens out of nowhere. Vinnie does not want to be touched with any rag, towel or brush. Even applying shampoo or oil became impossible. So every time I need to dry him with towel or clean his feet from sand, I know what will happen next. He is healthy 16 months old not neutered bully and started behaving like this 2 months ago. He is not aggressive toward other dogs, rather shy. We tried positive reinforcement training to cure his towel/brush/shampoo fear but nothing worked so far. I dont like to punish him for growling if he's acting out of fear but don't want to tolerate this behavior as well because it always can escalate. He will keep doing it if he knows he will get away with it.
Every time your dog gets you to stop doing somthing you need to do by growling he is winning and will escalate the behavior knowing he can intimidate you
You should be able to do what ever you need to do to your dog with in reason and washing, brushing and toweling him off is not excessive
I know what I would do
You should seek someone to help you before you end up with a bad situation and your beloved friend develops issues that lead to a real problem
In the end we called the breeder he recommended water we had a kids bottle in the room if he bit or snarled he would be given verbal commands to stop and if this did not work he got a shot of water in the face. We probably had to do this about 6 times and then it was a case of just showing him the bottle and the behaviour would stop. He is now like a different dog affectionate with the kids and calmer in every aspect.
We avoid situations of conflict he is not allowed upstairs in the house, not allowed on the sofa, shut away at meal times and we make a fuss of him when it suits us not him.
In regards to not punishing for growling I partly agree for example if he growls at me in the living room to get attention or growling as he jumps at the kids punish. If he has gone to his bed to get away from the kids and they follow, harass him and he growls then no that's their fault and he is giving them a warning to back off.
Like I said it may not work for your dog but try it and good luck.
Bit imho you need to be able to handle your dog fpr simple things like nail clipping grooming etc
What happens when you take him to the vet
If they have to muzzle and restrain your dog that's not good
I have had many dogs that I would not let let a vet handle for procedures by themselves but I am a different story
They learn to trust me but they can not show true aggression to me
And there ARE indeed differences. A dog that growls is not necessarily aggressive and destructive. Even a snap can be an attempt to grab and stop us and not to hurt us.
Dogs are limited in the way they can express their feelings towards humans, although it is fascinating how creative they can be when it comes to communication.
Growling can be a warning, when feeling cornered or scared, but it can also be an attempt to dominate and intimidate the other.
Two VERY different situations.
I have experienced the same issues with our girl Djamila regarding towels, cleaning and bathing. She did not like it much from the start and always seems to feel a little stressed even today. Especially when I clean her feet in tight spaces where she seems to feel cornered sometimes.
We have been training since she was little and I have tried to take the negative feelings out of this situation for her by connecting the situation to good events, like getting a treat or dinner afterwards, praising, stroking, talking to her.
Nail clipping, for example was something she just would not accept in the beginning.
She is now four years old and all of our training had gotten us to the point where I would say in general I can handle her wherever I need to.
However, lately I realized that I still have to be careful and approach some things the right way.
She has started to display humming, heavy breathing and muted growling (but no other signs of aggression, no snapping) during the last weeks during cleanings. I have corrected her behavior, because I felt that she was overreacting.
Correcting her did stop her in that situation, but it did not stop the incidents. So, I started to watch very carefully when it happened and I am pretty sure that I have figured out what triggers the growling. She is definitely displaying discomfort. We are doing things in a different environment sometimes and that seems to make her feel uneasy.
I decided not to completely suppress her growling. If it were just about juvenile nonsense in an attempt to manipulate/ intimidate me, I would keep correcting her. But in every case of fear, pain or discomfort I want to allow my dog to express how she feels and do not want her to become a “fear biter”.
Once I notice her discomfort I can help her to feel better. So, growling in some cases can actually be a chance to make things better. I want her to trust me that I will not do or let anything bad happen to her.
In terms of handling, however, I think the biggest mistake we can make as owners, would be to completely cease the triggering action and just not do it again. Especially when it comes to everyday handling. A dog needs to accept handling. I also see it that way. The task is to get a scared dog to trust us.
So, my next try was to just approach those situations a little differently. Talking to her and slowing things down in our case has helped a lot. My “baby voice” seems to take the stress out of the situation for her. When I make a total fool of myself I can handle her wherever I want.
I also watch her constantly and very closely now and meanwhile I can literally SEE the point when the situation changing long before she growls. Her entire posture and face change then and once I notice, I can slow down again and bring her through the situation at a slower pace.
Funny but true, some minor changes and consideration have eventually stopped her growling again.
We have found a way. But I will stay alert and I am prepared for it to happen again.
But because I am going this route at the same time I am very aware that I need to be able and handle things with strangers at all times. Because if I don’t suppress growling, of course it can also happen at the vet’s, for example.
It never happened so far, but we always make sure that we are present during exams to control her and what happens. And if I noticed even the slightest danger of her going “Mrs. Hyde”, if that would help feel everyone more safe around her at the vet's, I would rather use a muzzle than risk injury on any side, even though she has never done anything before.
It truly depends on every individual dog and owner and their relationship, which way is best. Some don’t like slow psychological approaches. Some can’t or don’t want to always use dominance and pressure to control the dog.
Everyone has to figure out what he/ she can handle best.
But regardless what we decide for, we also must never forget about our environment.
The way we handle our dog in private will translate into the public to a certain point as well. And we need to be able to deal with it anticipatory and responsibly in order to avoid trouble.
I have made very good experience with open communication. I tell people who want or need to deal with my dog about her and explain her reactions.
Yet, sometimes there are situations when showing that we are responsible owners by correcting a dog in public, not unleash it, taking it away etc. is just the best and only way to make the difference for others between feeling scared of our dog or not - regardless of how our dog is acting in that situation.