Side Effects of Spaying?
Hello Everyone!
Quick question here. I'm getting my little angel Phoebe spayed in about two weeks. I never had the intentions or desire to breed her so I feel that this is what is best for our family (also considering I have a male EBT as well). I thought it was a wise decision to have her spayed, but now I'm being thrown off by warnings that she could become more aggressive or overprotective in some instances. Is this true? What was everyone's experience when it came to spaying their EBT? Did you notice any undesirable behaviors because of the spay? Again, I thought I was doing the right thing here, but I'm just a bit worried that these warnings I'm getting could be potentially true. I will of course discuss this concern with her vet, but I just wanted to get everyone's input. Also, what was the recovery time from the surgery? I've only ever owned boy dogs so I'm not sure how long it typically takes for a female to recover. Thank you all in advance!!
I do not fix males and my current female when she is over 3 will possibly get tubal ligation