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Little love bites

My 8.5 month bullie has started nipping in an affectionate way. For example: I'll give her a cuddle and she will nuzzle into me and maybe give me a lick, but finish off with a hard bite. Or she will walk up to me, and nuzzle me then slowly nip.

They often hurt, and sometimes draw blood.

I'm not quite sure how to correct this behaviour, as when I correct her she seems to take no notice and is still happily wagging her tail.

Any suggestions?


  • edited November 2016
    :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Jap! If they do not stomp all over you or kick their heads into your jaw out of joy, this is another way of how they show their love and affection. :D:D:D And it's (almost) always the ear lobes, right?

    As far as it concerns my husband and me, this is one issue we have never started to sincerely address and correct - with none of our EBTs, because while it gives us pain, it makes us laugh at the same time.

    It always happens so fast like kind of a quick "finish" after a hearty lick. Yelping - on our side - and an indignant look are following the action, leading to a dog with that typical "Dobby face" saying "Sorry, I got carried away" ...

    However, we never got to the point of drawing blood so far.
    If it seriously starts to get out of hand, I am absolutely convinced that it can be corrected like everything else.
    Yelping to show the pain and moving away, ceasing all interaction immediately and ignoring the dog for a moment - EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS - will probably pretty fast lead to an end of this.
    This is cuddle time for the dog. If she manages to "scare you away" repeatedly during that time, it sure will make her "think" about the way she displays her affection.
  • @Djammy
    your right, what is it with my EBT and nibbling my ears when i sit on the floor. I assume this is normal then lol

    you also right, if he does it a bit to hard and i go ouch, i get that sheepish sorry look too :D
  • I have the yelps a go today, and they worked well. It's hard for me to ignore her, because most of the time I want the cuddles just as much as she does.
  • my experience is they dont want to hurt you but its how they play, mine is 8 months old and he does "catch" me at times but his behaviour suggests sorry after. just gets excited and carried away
  • I seem to always have a hint of dried blood on the tip of my ear...her favorite spot to "kiss" me!
  • I always come across just what I need to read on these pages! My girl Sassafras just got my ear today! It didn't hurt but I sure didn't anticipate it! Usually she just bangs her nose all over me, this time she decided to get toothy ;) silly pup
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