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Water Ball

Hi! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's forever searching for a toy that will keep their bully
entertained for like, 30 seconds, lol.... has any one tried the weighted water ball on a rope toy???


  • In my own experience the BEST way to keep your Bull Terrier entertained simply is to play WITH him versus offering him one toy after the other, hoping to finally have found THE ONE.
    Limits chances of destruction, compared to the situation when these dogs are being left alone with - especially NEW- toys.
    The dog has a blast, because interaction with people is what they love most in the world.
    And short rounds of interaction spread over the day as possible usually satisfy them enough to help limit their urge to explore/ destruct on their own and to constantly seek entertainment for themselves.
    Then it also becomes increasingly less important, which toys are in use. Just have a few ready to switch them now and then - and all is good.

    On the other hand there are dogs, who just do not really find much fun in toys. As there are dogs existing, who do not find fun in walking or playing with other dogs. That's the way it is. All humans are not the same, either. In that case, it may take some time to find alternative forms of entertainment.

    But there's something in the box for EVERYONE!
    Try search games, mind games, trick training, agility .... there are just so many things you can do together.

  • Hi Djammy! Thank you for your advice. I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried one with their ebt, not looking for a replacement for human interaction. Thankfully, we are lucky to be able to be home with our girl all day, which affords us the time to play with her intermittently throughout the day, because you're right, their favorite thing is to be with their humans, and she also has a Westie brother that she enjoys terrorizing as well! Just wondering about some potential added fun to her day!! Thank you for your's always welcomed and appreciated!
  • edited August 2016
    Djamila owns a whole basket full of plush toys, balls and stuff. Right now she is sitting right beside me, staring holes into my side, waiting for the two of us to be outside playing fetch in the pool.

    Her toys only entertain her for a few minutes at a time unless they are brand new. :)
    As it seems I am in the same situation as you - working at home, being around her almost all the time.

    Sometimes I find that challenging, because having access to me all day long is tempting for her. And she often tries to engage me.
    Fixed rules and fixed play times instead of giving in to every attempt are helping us a lot.
    Just mentioning it in case you know of the same "access problem".

    Sometimes it helps to take toys away for a little while and then give them back when it feels like getting a new toy. :)

    When it comes to the resilience of a dog toy, it's always hard to recommend items, because some dogs are excessive chewers, others ore not. Some owners leave their dogs alone with the new toys, some don't. All different circumstances.
    Making a recommendation regarding toys my own dog likes is even harder, because just as humans dogs have very different preferences.
    The water ball seems to be a pretty big item. And I know for sure that my dog would not like it, because she only likes balls she can grab with her mouth.

    But that sure does not tell at all, if your dog will like this ball.
    Maybe others have more valuable information ready. I am sorry that I can't tell you more.
  • Oh, please don't apologize! You've been very informative, I appreciate it, and I certainly appreciate this really is wonderful for first time ebt owners!
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