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Update on Bronte

Took Bronte to see his family this morning as I had some more questions for the backyard breeder where I found the little man. I received Brontes CKC registration and I am curious as to how to get him AKC registered if that is possible so please let me know how to go about doing that!! His Sire is already AKC registered apparently but the Dam is not; again ANY help in getting AKC registration is welcomed.

I snapped a couple of pics of Bronte with his Mother as well. 

Also i must give this breeder some credit, i had mentioned previously I considered Bronte a rescue because of the terrible condition of the entire litter and the Sire and when I arrived the owner was washing all pens, pans, and puppies and showed me vet papers and medications to prove he is attempting to take better care of the pups. He also showed proof of numerous areas where he has attempted to improve all living conditions and provide a better opportunity for these dogs to romp and run around; I believe he is giving an honest effort to become a more responsible and caring breeder.
5312 x 2988 - 2M
5312 x 2988 - 2M


  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you will not be able to get him AKC Registered. Both parents would need to be AKC registered and the entire litter would need to be registered through AKC in order for your Bull Terrier to become AKC registered.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thats not bad news lol that is what i was expecting to hear :) but now i know for sure so thanks for the answer. 
    I had been told by a couple of local people that through bloodwork and testing i could get AKC registration but i figured they were misinformed.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Well if it's good news that you can't register him with the only National Dog Registry in the country than I'm glad you're ok with it. For most, it would be bad news considering they'd rather see their dog registered through the only reputable canine registry in the nation. Normally the breeders who are banned from AKC or the breeders who possess particular bloodlines which were rejected through DNA are forced to utilize other fly by night canine registries that will provide papers on any dog provided they give them 20 bucks. The Continental Kennel Club (CKC) will provide papers from simply providing them a photo of your dog that remotely looks similar to the breed you claim it is. Many puppies that go to the pet stores that came from Puppymills come from CKC. Due to the reputation of these other registries, puppies papered through them are always far less expensive because they are often coming from Backyard breeders, Puppy Mills, and unethical breeders who do not conduct genetic testing on their dogs and do not provide authentic health guarantees. You won't find a reputable breeder within the nation using any other canine registry other than AKC. It's for these reasons I mentioned it being "Bad News."
    No bloodwork or testing will convert a dog into AKC from a non-reputable canine registry. You can convert an international dog into AKC from another National Registry. Each country has a National Registry which holds merit for their policies and control within the integrity of each breed. AKC happens to be the one for USA. If breeders violate those policies or corruption within bloodlines are discovered through DNA these breeders and dogs are banned and forced to utilize the registries that hold no weight for providing confidence within purity of the breed itself. Having a pure bred dog registered through AKC is just the basics and initial priority when looking for a puppy from a reputable breeder. There are still poor qualities coming from many AKC breeders who are not responsible breeders.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • I was not trying to  start anything with that comment, also I never said it was a "good" thing....I said it was expected because I got Bronte from a backyard breeder who clearly does not care about the overall well being of any of his dogs let alone the breed we love. 
    I know that AKC is above and beyond any of the other registries, hence why I was looking in to any way at all to register Bronte, but all the while I knew the chances of actually being able to do so we're slim to none.....THEREFORE when you let me know it would be impossible it was not BAD news it was expected news.

    I don't need paperwork to tell me how great my pup is it would have just been icing on the cake if you will...I got all the good news I could handle when I received Bronte :) 

    Hope that clears things up for ya!
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    You're absolutely correct. He's surely a great companion and unless you plan on showing or breeding the registration papers are worthless. As long as he's healthy and happy that's all that matters.

    The only reason I mentioned about the differences between AKC and other registries is because normally when someone is inquiring about registration issues, converting registration, or just trying to obtain registration it isn't because they want the paperwork to raise the dog as a loyal companion but usually it's sought after for future breeding intent. In your case, I'm not sure why then you wanted to convert to AKC if you had no purpose behind it.

    I'm sorry if there was something I said that upset you. I see that you have a couple Bull Terriers and I hope they are healthy, happy, and make great companions for you with or without AKC papers.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • In all honesty ot was simple curiosity of lineage /bloodline that led me to pursue papers 
    His CKC paperwork is atrocious and let's me know nothing....the breeder knew next to nothing so curiosity got the best of me I suppose 
    Sorry if I overreacted! Just didn't want anyone thinking I didn't want what was best for Bronte.

    Thank you for all your responses on my discussions 
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I know you want what's best for your Bullie or you wouldn't have bothered posting in this Forum. I think your Bullie is excellent and I love all Bull Terriers. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos!!!

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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