raw food diet
i am currently feeding my dog 5oz. of prepared ground chicken that comes mixed with fruits and vegetables along with 2 cups of TOTW puppy kibble, twice daily. I give him salmon oil, coconut oil and a nuvet vitamin once daily. Today I purchased 5lbs. of ground beef, 3lbs. of chicken livers, and will hard boil 9 eggs, so we can make our own raw. My dog is 5mo. old and weighs 47lbs. Can you please tell my how much of the chicken liver i should add with the ground beef? For the eggs, shell or no shell?I will be mixing with kibble, is two cups too much? Your advice will be very helpful.
In moderate amounts it's a very good choice, because it also contains a lot of healthy stuff.
In addition to liver I supplement with hearts and gizzard (mainly because that's the only thing I can get a hold of here
To supplement Calcium you can either use bone or bone meal. I never feed bones, because of the risk of obstructions or sharp splinters. But that's every owner's own decision. You can order bone meal on the Internet. You can also feed the egg shells and count their calcium into the daily intake (shells should be ground, because unground they have sharp edges and are harder to digest).
However, bone/ bone meal is the better Calcium supplement in the long run, because it contains more different minerals than egg shells PLUS the Calcium.
Only supplementing with egg shells could cause deficiencies long-term.
Hope that helps.
They all have beautiful coats, bright eyes, and good teeth. My dogs range from BT-1 year, BT-1 1/2, Boxer-Bull 7 years in December, Chihuahua 9 years, & the old man Chi-17 years. My two Bull Terriers have been eating raw since I brought them home as puppies. Twice a year they have their blood tests and checkups and the vets always go on about how great they look. Blood test are always perfect! I also supplement with Sprirulina, organic whole foods, krill or cod liver oil, coconut oil, and pre & probiotics.
Be careful adding liver and kidney, too much can cause loose stools. They should be fed as organs, which should only make up about 10% of the dog's diet. Rotation is important. Remember, the key to feeding raw is BALANCE.
I HIGHLY recommend looking into Dr. Karen Becker. She is a 100% raw advocate Veterinarian and has a TON of information, books, online videos (YouTube or mercolahealthypets.com) and I know her information has helped me learn so much over the past few years. Hope this helps and good luck!
Why don't you live in Florida???
I could SO USE a good source of organs and meats!!!