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Vaccination Schedule

With Maya arriving today I've been surfing along the web looking for some pertinent information on vaccinations. Specifically what's needed, what's not needed, and when they are to be administered if they are needed or required. Obviously there's a lot of info out there. So, in an effort to get the best information to make an informed decision. I figured I'd ask you experts. There are some sites that mention that combination vaccines that roll all the vaccinations into one are not the best for the puppy. Then there are others that say there are many vaccinations that are not needed and that annual "booster" shots are a waste of money and could affect the dog's health. We want the very best for Maya and any guidance you all can offer will be greatly appreciated.


  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Each Veternarian varies in regard to scheduled dates of vaccinations. However, 99% of them provide the same required vaccinations. Your best bet is to call your local Vet and let them know you have received a 8 week old Bull Terrier puppy which already received her 5-way vaccination at 6 weeks of age and you would like to take her in for a health check and get her initiated into their records for all future vaccinations. Your Vet will let you know when all required shots are due and keep her update with everything she needs. Maya's next shots will be due when she turns 10 weeks of age. However, some Vets may tell you it's fine to give her the 2nd set of shots at 8 weeks or they may just tell you wait until she is 12 weeks. Again, each Vet is different. Your best bet is to call your Vet and find out what their schedule is for vaccinations.
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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