Canine Influenza
What have people heard about this?
I asked my vet (I am in Minneapolis) if we could get a vaccination and she said they are in very short supply so only going to those who need it most--getting boarded, doggy daycare, etc. I am nervous about going to the dog park, so haven't much lately, but that's no fun...
Anyone have any insights?
Chooba needs frequent socialization with other dogs, its the only thing that wears him out, and its the highlight of his day. I cant take that away.
The press has the panic market down, its what sells. Just look at FOX. Ill be mindful of his daily health and if I sense anything suspicious, take action immediatly. but im not gonna stick choob in a bunker till it blows over
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"