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Healing wounds

We recently rescued a 1yo female. Her former home had aggressive dogs that would attack her. She has multiple bite marks, some old some new. I dont think any of them are infected and wonder due to their skin issues, what would be best to use topicaly? I bathed her with an antibacterial shampoo and she is getting top of the line food, Pinnacle (fish/sweet potatoe). I also noticed the dry patch on the middle of her head.


  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    Here's my recommendtions -

    For most all cuts, scrapes, sores, callluses, etc I use Bag Balm.

    For keeping my Bullies healthy and maintaining a strong immune system which is key to many ailments I provide them a vitamin/supplement called NuVet.

    For a nice healthy coat and added nutrients I provide them with Grizzly Salmon Oil. This provides them the omegas they need and do well on.

    There are other methods that people find affective too such as Apple Cidar Vinegar and rub downs with coconut oil.

    That dry hard spot you see on the center of her head is actually a scent gland. It probably feels as though she got a drop of glue on her head and now it's missing the fur and hard and scaly to the touch. This is common for many young Bull Terriers especially those with weaker immune systems. This is where that NuVet comes into play for ailments like these where the glands are a little clogged or over active. There's another scent gland at the base of her tail so you may see another patch of dry skin in that area or thinning of the fur. If she's having skin issues it's common to see the first signs showing up at her feet where they would be red around the toes and lose of hair would be visual. If there's a high amount of yeast buildup in her system you will see a dark brown color in the base of her nails.

    Hopefully this information gives you a few things to concentrate on in your pursuit to get her in tip top shape. I commend you for adopting a rescue Bull Terrier and hope she works out well in your home. Please, please, please share photos of her!

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    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Thank you so much and appreciate your advice. We just found out today that prior to us rescueing her, she was coming out of heat and a boxer male possibly got at her. We are not happy with this news. She is scheduled to see the vet.image
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