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Hi everyone, I'm looking for some creative ideas on what you all do to keep your energetic bull terriers from getting bored. Something other than the usual walks, fetch, dog bones, and playing with the other dog. Thanks!


  • I know we all just had a thread on this, but hands down a flirt pole or spring pole are some of the best things for a high energy bully that doesn't wear the handler down. I'm also a big fan of hiding treats in my backyard, I like to hide frozen beef knuckles and set my dogs loose so they can sniff it out, as well as play hide and sneak with one of their toys.
  • Flirt pole-
    Spring pole-
    Weight Pull harness-
    Back Pack with weigts-
    Make them swim when the weather is nice-
    make your own indoor agility course (jumping broom handles or boxes, running across couch cushions,running under tables or chairs)
    Obediance work or teaching new jobs/ skills.
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