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If you could....

edited January 2013 in General

If you could have a Bull Terrier from ANY breeder/ Line  what line/breeder would that be?

 I  would LOVE to have a male bully from Hulia Bull Terriers or Anabrum.


  • I always wanted a bull terrier from kilacabar lines and when i got claxxton i was over joyed to see the kilacabar in his lines, even though I would prefer more, it was still a very exciting moment for me. I can't really say who I would want a dog from but in all honesty I have a lot of respect for Action lines, they seem to produce a lot. A puppy from Jorge's lines the male Gales is my absolute favorite dog, and I long for a puppy from him. His lines are some action and a lot from Hubert's bull terriers, so that would be a start. The solid brindle is Gales (NUMBER ONE!!!) And his son Wil which is also extraordinary.
    650 x 487 - 108K
    500 x 375 - 52K
    650 x 519 - 100K
  • I will answer this one honestly, I think the nxt bt I get I will rescue since by the time these two get old my son will be older and could learn from the experience and learn first hand that dogs are not disposable.. he is young to remember the brutus experience and all he understands is mom worked with him and hes not as nasty as he used to be... I would love a dark brindle though and if I were to buy one I would probly want a puppy from Lucian since I do have a thing for brindles!!!! I also would consider one from Claxxton as I love his face!!!!
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • Secondly I woulnt put the effort into finding another breeder I simply want a pet and the pup would be spayed or neutered anyway so I would go with someone I already know and trust....
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
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