training tips please
What is the best way to teach my Bully to stay? He will sit and lie down but just cant get him to stay. He is 8 months old and just gets so excited about food he will not focus on me or what I am trying to teach him. I have him in obedience class which is 1 hr long but he is ready to go after 20 minutes and just wants to play with the other dogs. Thanks
"It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
I believe a release word is extremely important because how else will they know they can move! Lol start small and then increase time. But change of the stay time too like one time do it for 2 secs then 7 then 3. Something like that.
Only use his name when you expect an action, so don't use his name during 'stay'. I start with 'sit' right beside me. I step in front of the dog, facing him. Then say 'stay', holding your hand up palm front to him. As the dog learns to 'stay' longer, I gradually take steps backwards continueing to hold my hand palm up. If he moves a muscle, I then say 'stay' again. Gradually you will be several feet away and you can also work on how long you expect him to stay. (Up to 30 minutes)