Recommended Bedding For Dogs

Proper Bedding For Dogs
Here’s a subject I get asked a lot – What type of bedding should I use in my Bull Terriers dog house?
Many dog owners kennel their dogs while they’re at work or away from the home vice let them sit in an indoor travel crate or cage. Some dogs may spend more time outdoors than they do indoors. No matter what the case is, if your dog is spending time outdoors and he has been provided shelter by means of a dog house or overhead roofing he needs some good bedding that will provide comfort, warmth, and protection.
We utilize two types depending on the time of year. During the warm part of the year we use Cedar Chips. Not only do cedar chips provide a nice soft bedding which provides comfort and prevents elbows from getting callused but it also is effective in repelling fleas, ticks, and insects. Cedar chips are great bedding for dogs and can be found in almost every feed store and pet store.
During the winter months we prefer to use Coastal Hay. The reason we prefer to use coastal hay during the winter is because it provides more warmth and comfort than cedar chips. It is very soft and comfortable and the dogs simply love it. One bail of coastal hay will last a long time too. It comes compressed in a bail and when separated it fluffs up and takes up a lot of room. Adding coastal hay to any dog house will turn the environment into a natural den that they’ll really be happy with. Unlike other types of hay or straw, coastal hay is soft with no hard pieces that can cause discomfort. Some types of straw are not encouraged for use in bedding because they can cause problems with the dog’s skin and in some causes cause mange. Coastal Hay doesn’t have any issues in regard to health and is highly used by many people for their dogs and other animals.