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Hey! Come on...Vaccines discussion...

...which I ask about under Health & Wellness. No one at all has anything to contribute to this? Lepto vaccines are OK? Or not? Any pros and cons please.


 Sonja, Pumba & Brooklyn


  • I believe this was brought up in the thread somewhere??? I think the unanoumous discision is theirs to many variables with that vaccine to make our dogs guinea pigs. I think its a gamble I did talk to my vet about it and I choose not to. I would suggest you do the same as theirs many many variables such as the size of the dog and not giving it to pregnant dogs and on and on......
    Your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear your words.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Sonja - Your best avenue for deciding on proper vaccinations for your Bullie would be from your veterinarian. Vaccinations vary depending on geographic area and the environment your dog is exposed to. Leptospirosis is rare within dogs but in some areas where the disease is more prone due to higher probability of dogs coming in contact with racoon or rat urine. Your Vet may experience cases where dogs and cats have been effected by this disease and feel the need for the vaccination is warranted. Other Vets may not see dogs or cats come into the clinic with this illness thus don't recommend the vaccination. Something to consider also is the fact that the Lepto vaccination has the highest probability to reaction than any other vaccination. Additionally the vaccine is short lived and sometimes been noted not to be effective. For those that provide their dog the Lepto Vaccine they are need of having their dog vaccinated annually. There are a few other drawbacks to the vaccine that have many Vets choosing not to use it.
    With this said, you and your Vet need to decide if your Bull Terrier risk of catching Leptospirosis justifies annual vaccination. That decision will depend heavily on how often your BT frequents areas that harbor Leptospirosis as well as how often dogs and cats in your area are effected by the disease. Once again, this would a question best answered by your Veterinarian.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"

  • Thanks so much both of you! Well, food for thought, ey? LOL Yes I live out in the woods on 2+acres, on a river too. So have a plethora of wildlife including the usual...coyotes, raccoons, 'possums, foxes, deer, the ocasional bear or cougar. So this means another good talk with Brook's vet and we'll see.

    Thanks again you guys, appreciate ya! Sonja, Punba & Brooklyn.
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    I too live in an area surrounded by forest and wildlife on a 5 acre lot. However, Leptospirosis does not pose a high threat in this area thus there are no recommendations for use of the Lepto Vaccine.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Yesterday morning, Stoeger received his first Lyme shot and a booster for the shots given two weeks ago.

    Stoges_mom left the room, she HATES needles. So she's not sure where they injected him but he has developed to swollen bulges where we think they stuck him.

    Is that normal? One on right front shoulder and one on left ham-hock...
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    @Stoeger - Usually there's just a very small chance of reaction from Lyme disease vaccination. However, it sounds as though your Bullie may have reacted to it. I would call your Vet and let him know what you see now. He may ask that you bring him back in for followup treatment for his reaction.

    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
  • Bullies have a high threshold for pain. Spud took he needles like a champ but I do see why it may be difficult to watch. I don't even like needles myself. After Spud got his monthly vaccines he seemed sluggish but nothing to be concerned about. I didn't see any bulges either.
  • Thanks guys.

    Yeah, she wasn't concerned that Stoeger couldn't handle it, she herself can't handle the sight of a needle.

    Whether she's getting stuck with it or otherwise, ha!
  • He seems fine, a little lazy. There were like little knots, but he kept scratching and biting the injection spots. He hasn't wanted to leave my side since the shots and whines a little when he can't find me.
    He seems better today, the knots and swolleness has gone down a lot. I've kept my eyes on him and the animal hospital is five mins away in case there was an emergency.
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