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New to forum. Would like to introduce Penny!

pennywisepennywise Long Beach
Hello EBT lovers!

Came across this website looking for EBT forums. Glad I found this one! Meet Penny aka Pennywise! She is calm half the time and Satans spawn for the remainder haha. She is 4 and a half months at the moment. Have had experience with EBT's as my family had them when I was younger. I think she maybe a mini, but not sure. Currently weighing in at 24lbs as of vet checkup yesterday. She is a bundle of joy to be around , plays with our rescue Shepard mix at home, and looks for the biggest dogs at the local dog park to play with. Pic was taken after a few days after bringing her home (11 weeks). She is very photo shy and haven't got a good updated photo of her yet.

Looking forward to chatting it up with y'all and sharing any helpful tips and tricks I pick up along the way!


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