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Green gunk


My dog 3byears old regularly gets this gunk in his eye. I bathe them clean them and the vet regularly gives him antibiotics but everytime a week after the course is done it's back. Any ideas?
He is prescribed cephalexin

Sorry if the pictures are bad. The green gunk goes crusty and/or often overs both eyes.


  • that1Boomerthat1Boomer Middletown, PA
    My last Girl, Murphy. Had this same issue. Although a course of antibiotics would clear it up for a few days to even a week. It would never really 'go away'. We actually just accepted that is was never going to be solved. Right about that time, she contracted an immune system disorder(ISD). I honestly don't think that one had to do with the other. But the probiotics used to treat the ISD helped clear up the eyes. Sadly the ISD took its toll and we never really got to experience any time without the bad eyes.

    Probiotics helps with a lot of things. It alone can clear up many digestive issues and is beneficial to every dog. No harm in trying it, ask your vet to recommend the best probiotic in their opinion.

    All natural baby wipes are great for wiping the eyes and prevent over aggressive towel wiping.

    The things i=I thought I was the only one dealing with, seem to be getting brought up more and more. I hope I was of some help. Always keep your vet up to date on what you are trying. All the best of luck to you.
  • You might try Nuvet it will boost her immune system and that might help.
  • The vet has asked me to try lac oph first and then if this does not work then we will do futher tests
  • BulliesofNCBulliesofNC Richlands, NC
    - Steve Gogulski
    "It's not just a Dog, it's a Bull Terrier!"
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