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Help with ears

So I have a stubborn boy and am unsure how to prevent him from getting at his ears. I'm having to only have them taped when we are home and taking them off at night and while we are at work (I know I know) because he very easily manages to get the tape off! hes only eaten one set and I will not let it happen again! I'm giving him cottage cheese twice a week (started that this week) and I am also giving him calcium powder per our breeders orders. Lol my vet will not tape them and I have considered contacting a local doberman breeder to ask for advice and assistance. I am using the strongest hold medical (cloth) tape I can find and it just won't hold up to his big feet constantly prying. I bought a cone yesterday and left him in his crate while I went to the store and his magical puppy powers ripped I off and successfully made it unusable. I have seen people use sports tape and was hoping for some input from you veteran owners! Any advice helps!


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