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Ear iasues

I am after some helpful tips or suggestions. Some may recall I had been having issues with arrows skin. I'm happy to say after changing his food four months ago he is lots better with no outbreaks.
However since he was a pup he get buildup and crusty ears. The vets here in Thailand constantly prescribe antibiotics and lotions but seem to work for a time then comes straight back.
Weirdly it also seems to alternate the ears affected, almost never at the same time.
Any ideas on causes and remedies.


  • I have no idea by looking at the pictures about what's going on...anytime I have any kind of ear issue I first clean the ear out with baby wipes as Q-tips are too small and pointy and it takes too many to really clean the ear out efficiently. I wrapped the alcohol-free baby wipes around my smallest finger and clean out really good making sure there's no standing water in the ear or dirt,wax anything left. Then I coat the inside of the ear (all the way down deep) with unrefined cold-pressed organic coconut oil. I also add about a tablespoon or so to food each day. I've never had any problems with my boy personally but I've had lots of rescues and fosters and this always works. I don't know that it will help you but the best of luck! :)>-
  • Mange or mites? I saw a hell of a lot of dogs in Bangkok and Phuket with both of these. I'm suprised the local vets haven't tackled it given they would be trained in tropical diseases.
  • He was treated for demodectic mange as a pup but this cleared up with a change in his diet. I was told by the vet that this type of mange is hereditory and stays with him for life so maybe it is just manifested itself in his ears but the rest of him is mange free.
    Im based in Phuket and the vets prescribe ear lotion and antibiotics (antibiotics for everything!)
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